
I was born on 9th September 1946 (zodiac sign –Virgo). Till 1975 I lieved in Swarzedz, near Poznan. I graduated from the Poznan Politechnic and since 1975 I have been living with my family in Police, near Szczecin. I am a retired worker of the Chemical Plant Police. I have a wife, Gabriela (Gabi) and two sons: Bartomiej and Czeslaw. I am also a grandfather of two granddaughters: Olga and Agata (the daughters of Bartlomiej and Katarzyna).

I got to love sport a long time ago.

As a glider-pilot I flew 250 hours and I have the second class of glider training – silver badge with one diamond. I have casted 14 parachute-jumps and have the third class of parachute training. I have also won the gold badge for tourism cycling. I am also a sailor and a yacht skipper. I have a patent for see cruises.

I engaged in the kayaking tourism in the Kayak Club ”Alchemik” in Police and in the Academic Tourism Kayak Club “Pluskon” in Szczecin. Pretty soon I gained all the possible kayaking badges at all the levels of Polish Organizations. I also obtained a badge from the highest international organization ICF (gold ICF – one of the few in Poland)

  • The successful completion of the II Transatlantic Kayaking Expedition across the continents (from Lisbon to Florida.). The expedition was aimed at crossing the Atlantic in its widest part. The crusade was sole, independent, without any help from the outside and only with the use of the strength of my own muscles. On 19th April 2014, after 167 days in the Atlantic, I reached Florida. I was the first kayaker in history, who achieved that. Altogether I paddled for 6,710 NM = 12,427 km.


  • Zakończenie z sukcesem II Transatlantyckiej Wyprawy Kajakowej z kontynentu na kontynent (z Lizbony na Florydę). Ekspedycja miała na celu przepłynięcie Atlantyku w jego najszerszej części. Wyprawa samotna, samodzielna, bez pomocy z zewnątrz, przy pomocy wyłącznie siły własnych mięśni.  19 kwietnia 2014 roku, po 167 dobach przebywania na Atlantyku dopłynąłem do Florydy. Jestem pierwszym kajakarzem w historii, który tego dokonał. Łącznie przepłynąłem 6 710 Mm = 12 427 km.


  • Rafting along the Amazon in Peru on the river Huallanga from Yurimagus, through Maranon and Amazon to Brazil with the intention to kayak to the mouth of the river. During the expedition bandits attacked me twice and I was robbed of almost everything. I made than the decision to abort the expedition in Manaus, Brazil.

    23.05.2011 – 26.06.2011,

  • Spływ szlakiem Amazonki z Yurimaguas w Peru na rzece Huallanga, przez Maranon i Amazonką do Brazylii z zamiarem dopłynięcia do ujścia. W czasie trwania wyprawy zostałem dwukrotnie napadnięty przez bandytów i obrabowany prawie z wszystkiego. Podjąłem wówczas decyzję o przerwaniu wyprawy w Manaus w Brazylii.

    23.05.2011 – 26.06.2011,

  • Lonely voyage across the narrowest part of the Atlantic. This is my I Transatlantic Kayaking Expedition on a special canoe, which was built in Andrzej Arminski’s shipyard by 3 young engineers: Rafal Glodka, Michal Klimka and Radoslaw Zygmunt. This expedition, which was based on paddling a paddle kayak only, without using any sail or help from the outside, ended after 99 days in Acarau in Brazil. I kayaked 5394 km. This is the first time in history that anyone crossed the Atlantic Ocean from continent to continent on a kayak!

    26.10.2010 – 02.02.2011,


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